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To:            "World Wide Web Security" <WWW-SECURITY@ns2.rutgers.edu>
Subject:       Re: BoS: CERT Advisory CA-96.11 - Interpreters in CGI bin Dire

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On 29 May 96 18:15:58 EDT David Kennedy <76702.3557@compuserve.com> wrote:
>      Further reading:
>         Tom Christiansen has a Web page with details about this problem
>         and a script that can be used to test for it:
>                 http://perl.com/perl/news/latro-announce.htm
>          Lincoln Stein's WWW Security FAQ includes a section on "Problems
>          with Specific Servers," which discusses this and related problems:
>                 http://www.genome.wi.mit.edu/WWW/faqs/www-security-faq.htm

It didn't sink in how serious the situation is, until going to the first link 
at perl.com above.

To get everyone's attention as to HOW serious, the web page starts out,

``Urgent Security Announcement

How'd you like to let anyone anywhere run any program they feel like on your 
system, even sending you new ones of their own devising? Sound frightening? 
Well, that's what's going on out there.''

It goes on to describe the software culprit, a threat ``called latro, a 
program anyone can use to run any program they feel like on any system so 
unfortunate as to have ignored those warnings. If I hadn't written it, 
someone else would have.''

There's a note with the assurance:  ``This problem probably affects only 
amateur machines: those running Microsoft or Apple operating systems.''  
Although I find this reassuring, I'd still like to know if anyone on the 
list as experienced an attack from latro or other mechanisms, and if so, 
to please relay their experiences and solutions here.  Thanks.


Version: 2.6.2


``Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them 
  the usual way. This happens to us all the time with computers, 
  and nobody thinks of complaining.''  -Jeff Raskin

   ______                  gene@cup.hp.com
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